Week 03 Kinectron

This week, I was thinking about using the Raw Depth mode of Kinect Azura to create a peephole of the door. When the mouse is hovering around the peephole in p5, you can see the raw depth captured from the Kinect.

To begin with, I coded out the visual of the door. Then when it goes to the step of creating a circle video frame, since the video is supposed to be in a peephole, I got stuck. There are a few ways that I tried or thinking of, to create a camera capture with a circle frame instead of a rectangle one:

1) using mask -failed (some reference: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/p5-js-image-mask-method/ /https://editor.p5js.org/mwburke/sketches/5wv8TgcgX / https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60179313/how-to-fill-p5-js-shape-with-an-image

2) using copy function and masking it - failed

3) using pixel - did not figure out how to locate the pixel in a circle that change size

When it goes to the step of connecting everything with the Kinect Azura, it took me a while to set everything up. And everything works fine for the code we tried in class, but when I try to pull the capture from the Raw Depth mode, it comes with problems. I change my code based on the first example (Key Feed) provide in class, and changed the startKey to startRawDepth. It does not work at all. I guess the RawDepth mode came in an array, not a camera feed. So I did fake a video putting the elements together in After Effect, as the video shown in the bginning of the blog.


Week 04 Face Over Peer


Week 02