As a coding beginner
How computation applies to my interests?
The first time I get to know about coding was while I was taking a VR studio. My goal was to build 3D model of a space and then use Unity to enable the user to have a digital interactive tour in VR. With my limited knowledge of going and help from Google, I was able to create a more interactive experience in a space instead of just deliver my concept statically to the viewers.
As a beginner of coding, I imagine that computation could allow me better deliver my idea and visualized it in the digital world, in a more interactive way.
What projects do you imagine making this term?
I imagine making more interactive spatial experience projects in digital forms.
I picked two projects I really like
Maya Lin’s ‘What is Missing’ An interactive memorial to the vanishing nature
Ziv Schneider’s ‘ The Museum of Stolen Art’ A VR museum dedicated to exhibiting artwork that got stolen
The process of self-portrait
Concept: a round face with a pair of glasses, movable eyeballs when mouse moving
Planning: about how the drawing orders in the self-portrait from (How many layers? Which shape is on top? Which shape is at the bottom?)
Coding: step by step drawing out shapes in p5.js
Problem during coding:
-drawing curves, it’s hard to figure out the control of it. Tried multiple times but still cannot guarantee the outcomes
mouseX cannot move in a range
move the eyeball in a range in the X direction, my initial thought was making the eyeball roll when the mouse moves, but the mouseX control can only use with + but not <= or >= in coordinations. So the eyeball cannot move in a limited range like the gif. shown. ( solved with map( ); command)